GP Ultra Alkaline 9V Battery – Reliable High-Voltage Power
The GP Ultra Alkaline 9V battery is designed for devices that demand a stable and long-lasting power supply. With its high energy output and dependable performance, it’s ideal for smoke detectors, wireless microphones, multimeters, toys, and other high-voltage gadgets.
Key Features
- Type: 9V, 1.5V Alkaline
- High Energy Output: Built for devices requiring consistent voltage and current
- Long-Lasting Power: Reliable energy delivery over extended periods
- Shelf Life: Up to 5 years when properly stored
- Leak-Proof Technology: Safer for long-term use in sensitive or safety-critical equipment
- Mercury & Cadmium Free: Compliant with global environmental standards
- Ideal for: Smoke alarms, medical devices, remote controls, instruments, and wireless equipment
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